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Renewal of Church Electoral Roll for the Parish of St. Martin’s

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

Every sixth year the church is required to renew the St. Martin’s Electoral Roll, and to have this completed by the date of the Church Annual Meeting. The meeting will take place in Church on Sunday 14th April 2019.

Anyone wishing to be on the new Roll, whether their name is on the present Roll or not, is requested to apply for enrolment by not later than 31st March 2019.

The simple form for enrolment can be obtained from Michael Miller (Electoral Roll Officer) at Whitebeam Cottage, The Nook, or collected from the table just inside the Church porch.

Being on the Electoral Roll entitles you to attend the Annual Meeting and take part in its proceedings.

Entitlement to be on the Roll requires you to be aged 16 years or over, and to have signed the form. You should also to be a member of the C of E and have an interest in the welfare of our Church.

The formal notice regarding the Electoral Roll is posted outside the main door of St. Martin’s, and also on the Notice Board inside the Porch. It will also be printed in The Link Parish Magazine.

Michael Miller



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